Saturday, March 12, 2011


Chameleons, 2010.
This trio was made for Generate 2010, the Jamfactory associate end of year exhibition.
the idea is that clear glass is amazing because it can adopt and transmit the colours that surround it. kinda like a chameleon, get it?

the time has come.
i know, i know it has been like ages since my last post, I'm a pathetic bloggist but we're gonna change that! I promise to keep posting as much as i can from here on out.. i hope i can get some crew on board following this thing again and hopefully keep my practice updated on line all the time cause thats what all the cool kids are doing. right!?

This is 'Futurenaissance'.
This piece was started about a year ago and i have been fine tuning the shapes and the title since then in preparation for my first solo show, 'Formocentric' which is going up next week!
Yea I like making up words, thats one of the perks of my profession, its allowed Ha!

I have been saving this photo until now and I just got some more photos done yesterday so they will be up wedz or thurzday. Then you can see almost the entire show in pro photos right here on the e-web!

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